Chapter 5 summary
Phosphorus and water quality
Chapter authors: Penny J. Johnes, A. Louise Heathwaite, Bryan M. Spears, Will J. Brownlie, James J. Elser, Phil M. Haygarth, Katrina A. Macintosh, Paul J.A. Withers • 10min read
Chapter highlights
Phosphorus is one of the key drivers of the global nutrient challenge and the biodiversity loss emergency with respect to freshwater and marine ecosystems. Impacts include toxic algal blooms, mass fish kills, greenhouse gas emissions, and the loss of economic, societal, and cultural value associated with high-quality ecosystems. The ‘know-how’ to deliver significant water quality improvements across sectors and scales is available, and many of the solutions provide multiple benefits. The challenge now lies in mobilising policymakers, investment, and public support for change.
How can we protect waterbodies from phosphorus pollution?
The pollution of fresh and coastal waters with nutrients including phosphorus and nitrogen is one of the most conspicuous impacts the human population has on the planet. That we continue to pollute the very water that we rely on for survival is a shocking level of self-harm. The rate of biodiversity loss in fresh waters is higher than in any other planetary domain; over 25% of all freshwater species are currently threatened with extinction globally, and freshwater fauna declined globally by 83% from 1970 to 2014, compared to 60% for all habitat types. While a wide range of emerging and persistent stressors are driving these losses, climate change and increasing nutrient delivery from food production and consumption are ubiquitous. They combine to generate a globally increasing incidence of eutrophication, the process whereby excess input of nutrients drives the formation of harmful algal blooms. This can lead to coastal dead zones, mass mortalities of fish, closure of economically important fisheries and shellfisheries, high rates of biodiversity loss, high rates of greenhouse gas emissions, and the loss of economic, societal, and cultural value associated with high-quality ecosystems. Under very high phosphorus concentrations, lakes can be turned into near monocultures of harmful cyanobacteria. Some cyanobacteria produce ‘cyanotoxins’ which are harmful to mammal; they have been know to cause the deaths of livestock and dogs, and represent a risk to human health through the consumption of contaminated water and food and potentially through the dispersal of aerosols. Algal blooms can significantly increase filtration costs in potable water treatment works, and in some cases make water unsuitable for drinking. Phosphorus management and control of access to waterbodies can be used to reduce the likelihood of exposure in fresh waters, but this brings with it the consequences of reducing amenity and recreational use of waters. We also know that phosphorus, with nitrogen, contributes to the creation of marine ‘dead zones’. Beyond lakes and fresh water, in only a few thousand years, the contribution of phosphorus towards long-term ocean anoxia has potentially highly damaging consequences to the Earth’s biogeochemistry.
Phosphorus concentrations in aquatic ecosystems have been elevated worldwide by human activities. For example, in the USA, phosphorus concentrations in 72% of rivers and 79% of lakes exceeded background levels because of human activity in the last decades. In the European Union (EU), ~32,000 km2 of lake surface area (about 40% of monitored lakes by number) is deemed to fail ecological quality targets under the EU Water Framework Directive. Over 83% of freshwater habitats in the EU were classed as being in an unfavourable condition in 2015, higher than any other habitat type, many of which are impacted by eutrophication. Over 50% of the phosphorus mass input (load) to 23 of the world’s largest lakes originates from human activities, representing a threat to current and future water security. Population growth and economic development whilst increasing water demand will - without intervention - simultaneously cause greater water pollution, effectively reducing the availability of clean water. The effects of climate change are likely to exacerbate ecological responses to phosphorus enrichment within lakes and coastal zones. Phosphorus loss to water is expected to increase under climate change, without any change in land use and management, and the impacts of eutrophication, in terms of the release of greenhouse gases from highly enriched systems, is likely to exacerbate climate change globally. The outlook for aquatic ecosystems is bleak.
The reduction of phosphorus concentrations in aquatic ecosystems as part of an integrated nutrient management strategy lies at the core of control of freshwater eutrophication globally. To achieve this, it is often first necessary to identify anthropogenic sources of phosphorus within the catchment and to understand how they are transported and transformed within the water system, alongside nitrogen sources and fluxes. However, phosphorus stored within catchments, aquifers, and bed sediments during decades of enrichment (termed ‘legacy phosphorus’), can be released back to the water, delaying recovery for many years following a reduction in catchment phosphorus loading.
Phosphorus is one of the key drivers of the global nutrient challenge and the biodiversity loss emergency with respect to freshwater and marine ecosystems. To relieve the effects of eutrophication we must balance phosphorus losses alongside nitrogen losses, predominantly from food systems and human waste. Whilst restoring ecosystems is a notoriously difficult task, it is within reach; however, the economic and cultural costs of large-scale environmental management are likely high and must be equitably shared. Indeed, the process of eutrophication in lakes through phosphorus pollution has become a central exemplar of the links between ecological behaviour and natural capital and economics. It is, therefore, important to raise awareness of ecosystems under threat and to work across governments to ensure their long-term integrity, as well as to identify short-term disaster response plans where trends of degradation are deemed unacceptable. We call for a greater focus on preventative nutrient management in order to safeguard global biodiversity in freshwater and coastal ecosystems and meet long-term sustainability goals.
We argue that to meet the growing global demands for clean water and food, we must first meet the overarching goal of delivering more sustainable phosphorus management. This should be framed within the context of scale-appropriate interventions that have an additive impact towards global-scale ambitions. Next, we introduce the key challenges and solutions associated with this overarching goal.
Key issue 5.1
Phosphorus pollution is increasing globally
The challenge
Over the course of the 20th-century, phosphorus losses from land to fresh waters almost doubled because of human activity. Whilst sources of phosphorus pollution vary between regions, they are dominated by agricultural (e.g. livestock manures and fertilisers) and wastewater discharges. In many regions, phosphorus losses continue to increase.
The solution
Improved agricultural and wastewater management should be implemented to reduce losses of phosphorus from land to water. There is also a clear opportunity to improve phosphorus use efficiency in aquaculture. In order to reduce phosphorus pollution on a global scale, we must identify opportunities to decrease the amount of ‘mined’ phosphorus entering the anthropogenic phosphorus cycle, enhance uptake of sustainable fertiliser management approaches, and take action to close the phosphorus loop. This can be done by cutting phosphorus losses and increasing recycling and phosphorus storage within the landscape.
Key issue 5.2
The global impacts of phosphorus pollution are not well quantified
The challenge
Elevated phosphorus concentrations in freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems are contributing to the unprecedented loss of freshwater biodiversity and the growing global phenomenon of freshwater and marine ‘dead zones’. However, the true scale of the problem is difficult to estimate as baseline data are lacking across all regions and scales. Long-term monitoring programmes are necessary to track and study recovery following nutrient reduction strategies and to inform adaptive management initiatives.
The solution
Monitoring programmes provide a critical link between information, evidence-based decision making, and policy development, and should be used to inform adaptive management frameworks. This is especially important given ecosystem restoration is often a long-term process, and considering the impacts on waterbodies of multiple stressors, including those associated with climate change, population growth, and urbanisation. Restoration efforts must be coupled with preventative interventions to safeguard those ecosystems that are sensitive to future increases in phosphorus input.
Key issue 5.3
Phosphorus losses and their impacts are expensive
The challenge
The direct and indirect impacts of eutrophication are costly, in terms of losses of ecosystem services, clean up expenses, and losses to local economies. Phosphorus losses also represent a significant waste of resources. Global or regional assessments on the costs of eutrophication or the effectiveness of measures to reduce phosphorus losses are lacking. This severely compromises the ability to communicate the need for action with stakeholders and policymakers.
The solution
Integrated phosphorus management strategies that cross scales will be essential in achieving improved water security globally. A road map for capacity development is required to support the wider development of long-term integrated catchment management programmes focused on phosphorus. Rapid response plans are needed to manage the risk of damage to both ecosystem and human health associated with harmful algal blooms.
Key issue 5.4
There is a lack of phosphorus policy and legislation covering water security
The challenge
Phosphorus sustainability is not consistently enacted in regional policies and global action is needed to bring phosphorus enrichment of waters to the attention of policymakers. No global holistic policy on nutrient management in aquatic ecosystems exists. A key challenge is therefore enabling better integration of a sustainable phosphorus strategy across existing and emerging policy frameworks.
The solution
Solutions to overcoming phosphorus inefficiencies must rely on tackling phosphorus imbalance at all scales. The development of regional targets, mandates and incentives are essential, and will often require transboundary cooperation. Where regional policies exist on phosphorus or other nutrients, experiences with these should be synthesised to inform their improvement as well as support policy development in other regions where no relevant policies exist.
The ‘know-how’ to deliver significant water quality improvements across sectors and scales is available, and many of the solutions provide multiple benefits. However, reductions in phosphorus inputs to waterbodies must not be viewed as a panacea to restoration, but only as part of a wider range of stressors that need to be brought under control, and a wider paradigm for socio-economic and environmental reform. The challenge now lies in mobilising policymakers, investment, and public support for change. Novel sustainable phosphorus strategies combining socio-economic and biophysical evidence are needed. Strategies that embrace existing frameworks of integrated catchment management may be easier to impliment. An effective global scale strategy for addressing the growing burden of eutrophication will rely on three key solutions:
1) developing capacity in monitoring, assessment, review, and governance,
2) tackling phosphorus use inefficiency through adaptation planning in the long-term and mitigation responses in the short term, and
3) better coordination of existing and emerging policy frameworks across energy, food, transportation, and habitat restoration.
Want to read more?
The full chapter contains references to the evidence provided above and acknowledgements of images.
Suggested citation for this chapter: P.J. Johnes, A.L. Heathwaite, B.M. Spears, W.J. Brownlie, J.J. Elser, P.M. Haygarth, K.A. Macintosh. P.J.A. Withers. (2022). Chapter 5. Phosphorus and water quality, in: W.J. Brownlie, M.A. Sutton, K.V. Heal, D.S. Reay, B.M. Spears (eds.), Our Phosphorus Future. UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14950.50246